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Empowering Youth Through New Visions

Discover New Visions at The Up Center

In every community, youth face challenges that shape their paths and futures. In 2022, The Up Center’s New Visions, a proactive approach to tackling a critical need in Hampton Roads: youth substance use disorders. Our program’s focus includes specialized mental health counseling and extends to the broader spectrum of a youth’s “community,” encompassing family, friends, work, school, other organizations, and extracurricular activities.


Participants experience the evidence-based Adolescent-Community Reinforcement Approach (ACRA) through community-based treatment and the support of a dedicated Family Support Partner, ready to provide family-based support and mental health counseling for youth in Hampton Roads dealing with addiction. These Partners are more than just counselors; they are allies to families, helping navigate complex systems and resources, and collaborating to create effective wellness plans. This approach focuses on increasing positive social interaction, enhancing communication skills, and promoting healthy coping mechanicisms that improve mood and behavior.

“So far this year our clients have reported an 83% improvement in well-being, thanks to our whole family approach to counseling, peer support and regular drug-screens.”

Heather Harris, New Visions Program Supervisor


Are you ready to see positive change in the youth of Hampton Roads?

To learn more about New Visions program or to enroll, visit the New Visions page, email or call us today at 757.965.8623. Embark on a journey towards a brighter future with The Up Center’s New Visions Program or reach out to learn how you can help. Let’s take this step together towards nurturing a healthier, more engaged, and empowering community!

The New Visions Program is availible to youth at no cost and is funded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention at the U.S. Department of Justice.

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