Our Impact
The Up Center offers a wide variety of internship, licensing, and volunteer opportunities both on-site and remotely. Internships are applicable for degree seeking students enrolled in an internship course. The Up Center also provides ongoing and sporadic volunteer opportunities for special events. Volunteer opportunities are continuously evolving as we seek to actively include and create partnerships with members of our community. We also welcome inquiries about highly skilled volunteer contributions (i.e., accounting, finance, etc.) that may not be listed in our opportunities. Applicants for internships and volunteering are taken on a rolling basis throughout the year
Internship / Licensing Opportunities
Direct-Service Internships:
- Foster care
- Counseling
- Youth Mentoring
- Early Childhood Services
Business Internships:
- Accounting
- Human Resources
- Marketing
- Fundraising/Development
Interested candidates should submit a resume and letter of interest to Courtney Anderson.
Courtney Anderson
Volunteer Coordinator/Human Resources Assistant
(757) 965-8658
Volunteer Opportunities
Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities:
- Front Desk Support
- Donation Closet Organizer
- Housing and Financial Counseling
- Administrative Support
- Youth Event Organizer
- Court Ordered (on a case-by-case basis)
Special Skill Volunteer Opportunities:
- Peer Recovery Specialist
- Mediation
- Housing and Financial Counseling
- Accounting
Group Volunteer Opportunities:
- Supply Drives
- Special Events
To learn more about group and individual volunteer opportunities at The Up Center please contact:
Courtney Anderson
Volunteer Coordinator/Human Resources Assistant
(757) 965-8658