Our Representative Payee Services program assists our clients by managing their monthly benefits, including Social Security benefits and Veterans benefits. We ensure all their major bills are paid, including rent, utilities, phone, insurance, and cable. We also distribute weekly checks from their own accounts to clients to ensure they have money throughout the month. We work with community partners including case managers and mental health counselors to ensure clients’ needs are being met.
We provide financial support services to people who receive both disability and need based Social Security payments on a monthly basis. We also support dependents who are receiving their parent’s benefits and Veterans after we are contacted to become the fiduciary agent for their benefits. Our program protects vulnerable adults from being financially exploited and provides some stability. The program is not a voluntary program and the need has to be established by social security and/or a medical professional.
Managing finances can be a stressor for individuals facing barriers, but financial stability is crucial for a secure and independent life. We assist individuals in managing their Social Security benefits, helping them budget effectively and ensuring their funds are used for essential needs. Through our dedicated support, many clients have achieved greater financial security and peace of mind.
In 2023,
1,256 people were stablized within their communities by receiving essential financial management support.
Please note: We are not accepting new applications until July 1, 2024.
For individuals already working with a payee or have been told by Social Security (SSA) that a payee is needed:
For individuals that do not currently have a payee or have not been told by Social Security (SSA) that they need one:
Phone: 757-397-2121
Email: reppayvm@theupcenter.org
Volunteer or intern with us by clicking here volunteer@theupcenter.org.
We are committed to partnering with children, families, and communities to improve lives and outcomes through prevention, intervention, and support services.
580 E. Main Street, Suite 400
Norfolk, Virginia 23510
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